Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hello Friends;

I hope I didn't get you too excited with the title of this blog!

Have you ever said "I just don't have the time to exercise."? Probably, right? Well guess what? I'm here to tell you to stop using that as an excuse and to offer you this quick 10 minute workout that is guaranteed to get your heart pumping and muscles popping. This workout can be done indoors, outdoors, with dumbbells or without. It's flexible. However, before you begin any exercise program, please check with your doctor to make sure that it is safe for you to do so.

Now, on to the "Quickie"

10 minutes, 10 Reps, 10 second rest

Warm up:
10 Body Weight Squats - arms reaching out in front or resting at your hips, stick your butt out as you start to lower you body toward the ground. Knees should stay behind the toes and chest and shoulders are back, not leaning forward.
10 Pushups (preferably on your toes, but knees are acceptable if you are a beginner)

Do this Warm up for 2 minutes, resting for 10 seconds before starting the next set.


Dumbbell Lunge - using a set of dumbbells that are manageable but challenging, step one foot back staying on the toes of that back foot. Chest and shoulders stay up and back. Begin to lower back knee to the ground, stopping before it touches the ground (if you have knee issues, shorten the range of motion).Repeat 10 times on the same leg before switching to the other side.
Dumbbell Chest Press - Using the same set of dumbbells, if manageable and challenging, lay on a flat surface. Press the weights straight up bringing them together at the top, then back to the starting position. Wrists should face out.

Do this strength portion for 3 minutes, taking a 10 second rest in between each set.

Cardio and Core:
Burpees - Standing tall, bend over placing hands on the floor, jump your feet out so that you are in a pushup position, jump your feet back in, stand up and if you are really up for a challenge jump your feet of the floor with hands in the air (plyometrics jump)
Plank with reach - Holding a prone plank position with hands on the floor, reach your right arm out in front of you while raising your left leg off the floor (very challenging). Alternate sides for a total of 10.

Do this cardio/core portion for 3 minutes.


Make sure to spend at least 2 minutes stretching quads, chest and shoulders.

There you have it my friends. As you are rushing around, preparing for a fun-filled Memorial Day weekend remember that Flexible Fitness took away your time excuse to not exercise. Hopefully you won't come up with any new excuses!

Sweat, smile, and shape up!

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