Saturday, May 14, 2011

Find Your Strong

Hello Friends;

I have been very uninspired lately in regards to blog writing. My six-pack abs goal is still just that, a goal. It is a goal that seems to be getting further away from my grasp yet, it remains with me. I am confident that I will reach that goal, someday and you will all know about it when I do!

What I have realized in the past few months is that I am suffering from "body burnout". I'm tired, my body hurts, I don't feel like exercising (Thank Heavens for the four classes I teach a week that forces me to do so). I want to eat and do Yoga. The former I do much of, the latter not as much as I would like.

Fortunately, I have some changes coming up for me that I believe will help me turn the corner, recover from this burnout and become the healthy, fit person I dream of becoming. Now that the nicer weather is here, I feel a slight surge in energy and a massive desire to get outside. I am looking forward to my new boot camp adventure - . I'm not necessarily looking forward to getting up at 4:30 am four mornings a week but it's part of the process so I will embrace it.

I'm including this post from as it resonated with me when I read it this morning. I hope it resonates with you as well.

I am off to sunny Florida for a week where I plan on resting, beaching, sunning, smiling, yogaing, and sharing some wonderful moments with my soon to be 50-year-old husband!

Peace Out!